Workshop Solo on Focus

Solo on Focus

Length: 18 or 12 hours
Staff for travel: 2 (two) persons

The Project “Solo on Focus” is a project technically advised and made of continuous arts implemented in 2018, in the city of Belo Horizonte, by the artists Ludmilla Ramalho and Gui Augusto. This project is focused on the creation of immersion spaces for the artists in the scenes.- specifically for those who make use of their bodies as a fundamental tool in their work, which is called “Performative Body” here.

Through specific methodologies of orientation, led in both practice and theory, the course will provide the actors, dancers, poets and performers with tools for their creation artistic and authorial process. From a biographic point-of-view and a diversified ways of languages, the course explores, together with its members, the development of the solo work and its specificities.

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