Fuck Her

Fuck Her

Type of work: Performance
Length: 40 minutes
Year: 2017
Bricks, 40 chicks and 80 kilograms of chicken food

Took place at “Perfura- Ateliê de Performance”, SESC-MG and “Mostra Afeta Entre Fronteiras”(Afeta Show Between Borders) in the city of Belo Horizonte.

Once the performer is completely naked and lying on the floor with her whole body covered in chicken food, the 40 chicks peck all her body for food.

About this work
“Fuck her” may be understood by its literal meaning or “eat her” in the sense of “make food of her”. Such performance has a violent sexual connotation. The rage of the English term “Fuck her” is broken up by the game of words between “fuck” and “pinto”, which in Portuguese can mean either “chick” or “penis”, and makes the audience realize that the inoffensive chick is the genuine agent of the consummation of the women’s body.
For better linguistic understanding considering English speakers, I will change the word “chicks” for “baby cocks”. The latter can have the same impact as the words used in Portuguese without any loss of the metaphorical message the performance “Fuck Her” aims to come up.

Concerning this performance, among a variety of aspects, one of them deserves to be stood out: the comic effect brought about by this word pun (baby cocks and fuck), on one hand, is harmless and even ridicules the pretentiously dominant masculinity strength since there are only inoffensive baby cocks (chicks). On the other hand, there is some implicit but strong political criticism when it comes to the fact that women are exposed like food and are seen as a mere kind of item to be used up by men with no right of choice. On the whole that performance raises important questions about rape and violence against women. Moreover, the word “galinha” (hen) is informally used to describe a sexually promiscuous woman in which the performer can be seen by both sides, the mother of the baby cocks (chicks) and the “slut” to be “fucked” by all those “baby cocks” (chicks) as the current high rate of feminicide daily shown in the news in the Brazilian society.

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