Ups and Downs

Ups and Downs

Year: 2017
Length: 40 minutes
Conception by Ludmilla Ramalho, Marcelo Kraiser and Leonardo Pavanello
Performance by Ludmilla Ramalho
Photos by Lucas Dupin

Presented at Perfura de Performance Atelier, at SESC Palladium in January 2017 and at M.A.R.T.E. Festival of arts, music and technology in Mariana (a town in the state of Minas Gerais) at SESI in July 2017.

On the stage, a woman, struggling to poise herself, walks along a wooden platform supported by springs whose the noise is captured, manipulated and amplified by another performer whereas a third one is in charge of the lighting.

About the work
The work develops a series of shapes, colors and sounds, which concerns the transitional and precarious balance between order and chaos, fall and rise, uprise and decline. The performer, on the moving wooden platform supported by springs, tries to keep the balance of her body in a stable posture.

In that way, the endless search for stability produces an imagery and sonorous plethora being the “friction” between the attempt to order the body movements on the platform and the untamable character of the disorder of the restless springs from the blow of life that engenders the work itself, as to know: sounds, rustle, rythms and precarious but possible music as well as an excessive range of colors and gestures executed by the performer with her (un)coordinated moves that, finally, give birth to a primitive, unfinished and insipid dance.

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